Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Genesis 31 - Domination of Wealth

In this chapter we begin with Laban's sons commenting on how Jacob has taken all their father's possessions. In their bitterness they did not attribute Jacob's increase to God's blessing. Dominated by their lust for what was no longer theirs; their inheritance wasted, they poison their father Laban against Jacob.

Jacob in haste organizes himself to leave and return to the land of his father after 20 years of service to Laban. Meeting his wives in the field and shares God's message to leave. Their reply is interesting - rather than going out of love and loyalty to their husband, they consider their inheritance. They have nothing if they stay with their father but they have wealth, flocks and possessions if they go. They too have their motives dominated by wealth.

A little side story is given in verses 19 -21, Rachel stealing her father's idols and Jacob's deception by running away without notice. Jacob behaved as if God's command to leave justified any means he might use to accomplish the task. As people of God, we should be careful to put no idol, no possession, no relationship before Him and to follow God in his way and not make a way for ourselves.

A sad story is revealed here. Though God has blessed Jacob greatly, Rachel, his beloved runs back to steal her father's idols revealing the condition of her heart. Not satisfied with God's provision and lacking in faith for his future provision she steals idols that are not even hers. In verse 32 Jacob speaks a curse on Rachel unknowingly. If Laban had found the idols Rachel's life was on the line.

In the end, the family is split with grandchildren and daughters never to see Laban again. Materialism has destroyed many families as much as poor stewardship. Wealth is fleeting, as Laban found out. God blesses us in one season to prepare us for a season of want in our future.

If you are blessed by God with provision beyond the day know that the God who provides abundance is also the God who sustains us in want. This life is not about gaining blessing for a life of ease, but it is about trusting God in every season of life knowing he is all sufficient. Don't let possessions divide your families and ruin relationships. Wealth does not satisfy; only God does.

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him today.

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