The Commandments are so much more than that however. They are the measuring stick of our love for God in that if we love God we would keep His Commandments. They are also the measure of our condemnation as no one measures up to God's Holy standard and we are left acknowledging God's Holiness and our unrighteousness.
The law points uncovers the naked truth about us - we are without any merit before God. Even if we were able to keep one law, we are guilty of breaking so many more. Our lives are soiled; we have offended God in so many ways. There was only one who met the laws requirement and He is able to save not only Himself, but gives himself for all to have the hope of Heaven and a relationship with God here. He creates the means for us to receive God's wisdom, fellowship, and forgiveness. Jesus Christ was that One!
The law provides us a way to see ourselves as God sees us - utterly destitute in our sin. The law also is given to keep us from sinning and to reveal to us the Holiness of God.
Since this Blog is centered in our stewardship, what does this mean as we manage the time, resources and talent God has given us. It means we take the high road. We apply ourselves to obedience. We make righteousness our aim. We don't live the way the world does, but the way God directs. We yield even our own desires to God and wait for his clear direction. When we fall, we come to our Father in Heaven and receive forgiveness and renew our fellowship with him. We live in right relationship to the people around us, never harming but honoring them.
I think the Commandments have something for us each day. The first four are centered on our relationship to God. Put God in His rightful place in our lives and other things fall into place. The last six are dedicated to our right relationship to our fellow man. If we give honor to God and our fellow man we have joy and our life has purpose.
The Commandments are not given to steal our joy but to give directions along the pathway to it.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.
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