Our abilities are from The Lord
Contrary to the self-made man principle, we do owe a debt of big gratitude and service to The Lord for the skills and talents he has given. As Chrisitans we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit I guide us as we apply our talents.
We have a Holy calling
Our talents are not our own; they are a gift from God given to us for a purpose. As God's people we should be about applying ourselves in service to The Lord and connecting with the Spirit for direction.
Too many Christians make excuses for not serving The Lord claiming to have no talents or not to know God's leading. To say things like that is to reject the notion that God has a plan and you are a part f it. It also discounts the abilities you were given as if your service should not be required because you are still waiting in line for your talent gift and you don't know what that will be.
I think of Joni Erickson Tada who being a quadriplegic could easily say she has been DISabled. She could easily say that because of her disability that someone else should be doing the work of service. But instead, she has found that her disability had uniquely qualified her to serve in a special way giving voice to the needs if the disabled and encouraging them to not give up and to be engaged with God. At a very minimum we can all praise God and we can hold his leadership high.
Sabbath Rest
God called each and every one of his people to be at work for him but we need rest and God called us to honor his rest each week. The Sabbath would be the seventh day or Saturday, but many Christians choose to observe a day of consecration and rest on Sunday which is the day The Lord rose from the grave and began an entirely new type of week for us where we as sinners can receive permanent and total forgiveness of sin. It is cause for celebration and should be cause for us to give up the mundane daily tasks to thank him for giving his life for us.
Regardless of the day of the week, the principle is to observe a rest were work is put aside. This allows us to reflect on the fact that we are not self made people but God has created us and created in us unique abilities that used properly will build the kingdom of heaven.
How has God equipped you for service and how can you honor him with the talents he has given you today?
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.
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