In Numbers 4, we get a contrasting view from God. God divides responsibilities for moving the tabernacle among the Levite clans. He assigns a leader from among Aaron's sons and outlines areas of responsibility to each clan. Every Holy item within the tabernacle would be carefully wrapped and packaged for transport. It would take over 8,500 men to do the work of serving and carrying the tabernacle - no small feat.
If I were to select men to carry heavy items I would look for the young muscular kids fresh off the sports field, but not so with God. Men from 30-50 were selected for this special service. You had to have some maturity and responsibility. Moses and Aaron were much older but they had certainly not retired from service; their responsibilities were to train and oversee the work of the younger generations just as I am sure those in service of carrying were training their prodigies for taking their place one day.
I can only imagine what a production it would have been to move the nation, but I suspect that as they followed God's plan it executed like clockwork. A parade of 8500 men carrying their assigned portion in service to The Lord. Imagine how smoothly our churches and even our workplaces would operate if everyone did their part and would serve The Lord with vigor and joy. We would all operate with a sense of purpose and be able to accomplish so much more than merely relying on our own strength.
We can learn a lot from God's outline for service. May God richly bless you as you seek H and as you serve Him.
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