Friday, May 16, 2014

Numbers 21 - The Power of Faith

Fear and doubts can keep us perpetually in a rut of our own making. We live in a world alongside evil and danger for sure, but if we allow our fears to overcome us and only do the safe thing we may be just like the Israelites in Numbers 21. I think in applying this chapter to our lives, we will see God is able to supply us with suoernatural strength to overcome the obstacles we face if we will look to Him for our salvation. 

In the beginning of the chapter the Israelites are attacked by Canannites. They do something most unusual for them, they turn to God and ask for victory promising to utterly destroy the cities of the land if they can have victory. God gives them victory, but in the next few days you find them grumbling against God and against Moses. You would think they could take pleasure in their victory just a moment longer. 

I don't know if you have ever had an authority in your life who just seemed to make you frustrated. Perhaps it was your parents when you were under their leadership. Perhaps it was a strict teacher or a boss at work. No matter who the authority was you understand that you needed their leadership and the resources they could offer, but there was an element of bitterness when you were in their presence. They just seemed to make life hard for you. This is how things are for Israel. They are bitter against God and critical of His provision. 

God responds to Israel by sending venomous snakes killing many of His own people who were so hateful to Him. The people recognize the chastisement as being from God and they ask Moses to plead with God for their lives. Moses, at God's command, places a bronze snake on a pole (a picture of Christ's death on the cross) and tells them if they will look to the bronze image they will live.   It is a picture of our state of soul. Without Christ's death on the cross we will surely die ourselves in sin and be separated forever. But all we need to do is look to that cross and place our faith in the finished work of Jesus and we can know life. We could spend more time on this and will in future postings but we must move on to the second section. 

In the second part we Israel going around Edom because their king refused passage through the land. I think the Israelites are getting the message that they are not welcomed in the land. Taking the long way around they return to some of their prior stopping points and sang songs of God's provision. 

They again ask for passage through the land and again are refused by another king, the king of Sihon. The king comes with a show of force and God gives Israel victory. They then went to Bashan and defeated that army as well. (See where the census of fighting men in the beginning of Numbers is now coming in handy?). No doubt it was God who gave the victory, but He is also growing the people in their faith as they go. 

Our God is so gracious to take our weak faith and to strengthen it. The strength comes from the provision we receive in the midst of trials. Dear friend, if you are in the midst of conflict and trial, God can grow your faith if you will look to Him for your salvation and be obedient to His commands. I believe you too can see a mighty victory and I hope you will write and tell us about it. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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