Friday, June 6, 2014

Numbers 29 - How Much Do You Need?

At the precipice of entering the Promised Land, Israel is commanded to observe a series of sacrifices. The seventh month was to be commemorated for all time in remembrance of The Lord. Sacrifices were to be offered, their sin before God was to be remembered, their journey through the wilderness in tents under God's hand of provision was to be remembered. 

In the midst of all these remembrances God lays out a series of sacrifices for the people. It made me consider, how much sacrifice would be enough to cover my sin. If a large bull should die in my place could that sacrifice satisfy God?  If I bring a bull and a lamb?  How much would it take?  

The average unbeliever doesn't see the sin in their lives, so the idea of sacrificing an anal to God for their sin would be offensive to them. As Christians we see that the sacrifice of all animals could not remove the stain of sin from our lives. There is only one sacrifice sufficient to completely cover all the sins I have committed and will commit, it is the sacrifice of the perfect man, Jesus Christ who took upon Him my sin and died so that I can live. And good news!  His sacrifice is sufficient for all people of all time! We don't need another sacrifice. Our sins can be covered by the blood of Jesus. I can be right with God and my sins forgiven. 

Taking opportunities to remember what God has done for us is good. We need to keep our perspective. God has provided for us in so many ways but the greatest provision we have is a Savior who bought us back from sin and gave us life eternal. The sacrifice of one for all is the hope of our security. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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