Thursday, July 24, 2014

Deuteronomy 4 - Higher Authority

We live in an age that largely despises authority and mocks the obedient and glorifies the rebellious. Tattoos, dressing like inmates, gangsters, tramps and the like are prevalent while those who seek after purity are mocked as ignorant and passive. 

From the beginning of time in the garden man has sought to be his own master and call his own shots. We like getting our way and being in charge. God makes it clear in this chapter that there is only one in charge - only one Master. He reminds the Israelites of the ways He has chastised their disobedience and reminds them that they belong to Him and their loyalty is demonstrated in obedience. 

It is right I obey God. Who cares for His people better? Who is more powerful than any enemy?  Who demonstrates faithfulness to generation after generation?  God reminds them f His mighty works and His purpose for doing them. He wants to be known and loved among the nations, but blatant rebellion must be addressed. 

God does not love us because of our acts of obedience, but because of our love for Him and trust in Him. Can we see beyond our circumstances and trust a God who is all powerful, loving but unseen in the moment?  In the midst if our crisis and conflict can we really trust God to pull us trough? 

The person who looks at oppression or injustice and looks to God finds that He is more than faithful to His people. He will glorify himself and make himself known in the midst of your situation if you can trust. The degree of our trust is demonstrated in our obedience. 

I don't believe all people who dress like gangsters are gangsters, but they have identified with rebellion so there always will remain a question. We act like our heroes.  We pattern our choices after theirs. So our challenge from this chapter is to pattern our choices after the commands God has given and to look like Jesus to the world around us. Will you take that challenge?

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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