Step 1: Remember (Deut 11:2-7)
Remember the many ways God has provided in the past. God reminds the Isrealites that they have seen Him do mighty things. If you belong to God you have seen him keep you through trials and encourage you when you were overwhelmed. We should cling to those memories of God's acts in our lives to carry us through the next trial and to remind us of God's constant care.
Step 2 - Observe (Deut 11:8-15)
God says, "love the Lord your God and keep his laws and his commands always". When we love, we honor the person by doing as they ask. God doesn't give commands just to see his people jump through hoops like a circus animal; he loves his people and sets boundaries to keep them protected and so they can have joy in living. Like any good parent, God give rules for us to give us joy in living.
Step 3 - Be Careful (Deut 11:16-32)
We need to be aware of the forces that are at work on the world that keep us from living out our faith. There are idols that promise good living, pleasure and ease. They may even offer a temporary sense of euphoria, but it isn't lasting. God hawlf will come against idols in our lives and the result will be hardship and curses. He shows us that idols are no substitute for a relationship with the Almigjty and if we will be careful to avoid the traps here are blessings built in.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.