Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Deuteronomy 30 - Keep Your Eye on the Prize

This chapter is the capstone to the chapters before. God promises to tangibly bless those who are obedient with prosperity and long years. For those who do not death and destruction is in store. God says that even if we are disbursed to foreign lands and suffering oppression He can and will restore us if we will turn back to Him. 

Our welfare is tied up in God's grace toward us. We don't take our next breath apart from His willing it so. Abundance is not found in the trinkets of this earth but in fellowship with our Creator. That fellowship is only made possible because we have a Deliverer, Jesus Christ. 

Because we cannot uphold the fullness of the law on our best days our hope is placed in the one who is able to keep all God's commands perfectly and who cares for us so deeply that He would redeem us from our sin and take us under His cloak to be with Him forever. 

All the abundance and blessings described are just a visual of the lavish grace that has been poured out on is and  the permanence we have living as redeemed children of God. Like a shepherd He has brought us back from the domination of the world. Like a surgeon He has circumcised our hearts so that we can love Him the way we are loved by Him. Like a Father who pours out good things for his children, we are blessed in His presence and enjoy wealth a d peace that the world doesn't get. Our joy is full to overflowing because we are the recipients of good gifts from the Father. 

God asks each one, will you choose life and abundance, or will you choose death and destruction.  He calls to his creation "choose life so that you and your children may live the Lord your God, listen and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and He will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your father's Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." Deut 30:19b-20

The choice is ours, will we live for God or will we choose to go our own way. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Hom and as you serve Him

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