Friday, May 15, 2015

Joshua 12 - Taking Stock

Now that the Israelites have had a number of victories and have begun to settle in the promised land, rather than pressing forward to the next task, Joshua does something interesting. He stops to take stock of the victories God has given. When we are tired from the battle and know there is so much further to go, we should remind ourselves that we do not go out alone. We belong to God and our victories and defeats are in His hand. We serve His purposes and He is using our lives to tell of His greatness to the world. 

In this chapter, Joshua lists out the kings that were defeated in both the east and west of the Jordan. He numbers the kings on the west side, 31 kings were defeated by God. God included the people in the battle so that they could sense the victory and share it with God. 

By writing down the victories, the nation was preserving for themselves a letter of encouragement for the next time they were to face a formidable enemy. They could be reminded of the ways God had acted in the past and look to God for their course of action for the future. 

We too are in the middle of God's story being written. It would be a good record for us to examine our own lives and the way God intervened to order our steps to this point. For instance, when you consider your salvation, who are the people God involved to bring you to Himself?  Were there times in your life where you had danger or conflict and God brought you through?  Were there accomplishments or victories that God allowed to shape you and mold you as you developed?  

How has God discipled you?  Has He changed your desires from within? Has He placed people in your life to help you understand deeper things about God?  I challenge you to write th down and create your own record of God's hand in your life. Take stock now so that when the conflicts and tests arrive you too will be encouraged by how God has acted in the past on your behalf.

God is writing His story using your life. Know that you are not alone in the battle and the victory belongs to the Lord. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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