Monday, October 12, 2015

Judges 7 - God's Draft Picks

Have you ever noticed that God's ways are out of our ordinary?  Gideon had organized his army to fight against Midian knowing that he was outnumbered and out powered by the enemy. He wanted to trust God but didn't see how God could pull this one off, but he would throw all his might at it and look for God's favor. Yet, when God saw the army of Gideon, He said you have too many. If you win, you will think that it is because of your own efforts. God wanted both Israel and the enemy to be sure who won this one. 

God first removed those who did not have their heart in it. If they were afraid of battle or doubted God's victory, they could go home. More than 2/3rds of the army left him. That would have anyone a little on edge, but God goes further. Out of the 10,000 remaining select men who cupped water with their hands to drink (300) you will win. That would just shake your confidence if it were anyone other than God Almighty leading them. 

God is so kind to Gideon, He offers him and opportunity to hear the enemy speaking about their fears in fighting Gideon. Overhearing the conversation, he gains new confidence that God is at work. Gideon doesn't arm his men however. He puts a trumpet in one hand and a torch in the other. They are to blow their trumpet on command and break the jars surrounding their torches and say "the sword of the Lord and for Gideon". Odd, since there are no swords in their hands. But God turns the enemy swords on each other and wins the victory for the nation. He confused the Midianite minds with a dream so that they believed they were doomed and mixed them up about who their enemy was. No weapons, just faith and obedience won the day. 

When we look around us, our conflict may be great and we may even experience oppression, but we can rest in the knowledge that God takes care of his own. We can also trust that faithful obedience can yield results no man can accomplish in their human effort. Dear Christian, look to God for your help and faithfully serve Him. The rest will fall by the way if our priorities are straight. Our hope is not built on our own strength but on the power of God offered to us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God will see you through the darkest of days. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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