Monday, February 15, 2016

1 Samuel 3 - Fired

As a child in Sunday School we were taught the story of Samuel as a boy having God speak to him in the night. Often the story is lifted up as a prelude to the calling of Samuel to the Lord's service and his humble beginnings. But in this same story, we see the judgement God executes against Eli and his sons. No longer would they be chosen to serve God in the administration of offerings and other priestly duties. God would no longer use them. They were cut off...fired from service. 

Eli was aware of his sons mistreatment of the offering. He did counsel them but as a priest he had within his power to stop the young men and didn't. God warned him through an unnamed prophet, but Eli didn't take action. He stood by while his boys made a mockery of God. Now God was bringing judgment to his house. He would not speak directly to him but through the boy Samuel. 

In his favor, he did not argue or rail against God's judgment. He acknowledges it was the Lord's discretion to do as He saw fit. What a sad day for Eli who had been the messenger of God to Hannah and had even begun to train Samuel in the ways of the Lord. Prior acts of obedience cannot undo current disregard for God's warnings. Eli knew it. 

Samuel had the unsavory task of bearing the news of judgment to his mentor/boss/caretaker. I don't know how many of us would be up to the task. Yet that is a task we are called to as Christians. How many family, friends, coworkers and neighbors live a life that is out of fellowship with the Lord and we say nothing?  We have the Lord living within us, can we share Him with those in our circle?  Will we be bold like Samuel and warn those who are outside the fellowship of coming judgment?

The more I look at the condition of our world the more convinced I am the the Lord's return is soon.  Time is short.  I don't want my loved ones to suffer judgement but will not telling them save them from it? I confess that I don't want to come off as a lunatic and I know that God's plan is strange to someone outside the fold. If I can only love them and look of the open doors to share the gospel they need so much.  I don't want to miss my opportunity though. 

We have a treasure hidden in these jars of clay. Our Maker has charged us to share this treasure.  Invest in those around us and see how the treasure grows. We don't want to have our purpose taken from us like Eli because we were not faithful in carrying out our calling. Be like Samuel: humble yet courageous. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.  

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