God has all authority to raise up whom He deems fit for service and to remove authority from those who do not honor God. As I look at world leaders today, there are few anyone could call great. Leaders who look to God and who stand for right in a fallen world. But each of those leaders received their authority from God to rule their lands. God looks for them to govern justly and to bless their people. When they fail, God, the righteous judge, may remove them or He may reserve His judgement for a later date. In any case, we can be assured that God sees all.
For as long as we have kings, presidents and rulers in our land, flawed people will hold positions of authority. As our world slides more and more to degradation, the leaders follow that same course until the day of the Lord's return. God's judgment is upon them.
There is another lesson we can apply to our own lives. 90% obedience is the same as disobedience. We have to decide in our own minds that we will follow God full on. There should be no shadow of doubt or wavering. Yet we do waver and fall. God has provided us a means of forgiveness and restitution in our Savior Jesus Christ. This is not a license to sin, but a remedy should we fail in our obedience.
Our leaders come from sinful stock as do the people they lead. Our only hope is found in Christ. In the case of Saul the Lord appointed a new leader and returned Saul to his humble beginnings.
When we acknowledge that God is the source of our position, our wealth and our power, we have a different perspective about how each should be used. God looks for our gratitude and obedience. Let's commit to live full on for the Lord and thank Him for His generous provision.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.