Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Genesis 5 - Living with Purpose

I used to approach chapters full of begets and begats with glassy eyed boredom. Now I realize that God was recording a legacy for the nation of Israel that would forever tie together the generations between Adam and Jesus. God was keeping a detailed history record so there would be no disputing His word or His promises.

Not much detail is given in most of their lives you know how old they were at the birth of their children (something we don't normally record on our tombstones) and their age at death. There is generally one child followed in the genealogy with "other sons and daughters".

While there are few significant details given until we get to Enoch and then Noah we get a sense if something significant building. Each man invested his life into the life if his sons and daughters. Their success was a reflection of himself because according to verse 3 the children were created in the image if the father.

We continue this timeline each and everyone of us descendants of Noah. Each if us impacting our generation for good, bad or not at all. At the end of your life what will be written of you? Will you be known for your Christ like spirit? Will you be the one to open the door to heaven for those who do not know Jesus? Will you raise children who will carry on the gospel story?

While the events if our future are in God's hands we choose whether we will walk with God as Enoch did or choose to live our lives for our own pleasure. Today is the only day we can influence so will we live out our days with a God honoring purpose or will we be just another son or daughter with a life not recorded for posterity?

Another lesson I see in this text is that we are forever tied with prior generations. There is no busting free from our heritage and no separation from the future generations. The lives our children and grandchildren lead are influenced by their ancestry as well. We have a responsibility to pass the torch to the next generation to ensure they hear the gospel and that they walk with God in their generation. We can use not only our influence but our prayer time to equip and supply them with the armor they need to fight the good fight and to stand strong in a world that is full of adversity.

The best inheritance you can leave to your children is a relationship with Jesus Christ. If your children are not walking with God, it is not too late. If you are not walking with God begin today by rededicating your life to Him.

Let's pray together: Dear Heavenly Father we look to you and desire to live our lives in a way that pleases you. We also recognize we cannot accomplish this without you. Please come and renew our spirits and give us the passion to influence our generation and to stand strong in the face if adversity. We know that as we live daily for you, you get the glory and we see your salvation. In the name if Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

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