Sunday, November 4, 2012

Genesis18 - Responding to God's Plan

Have you ever been confronted with God's plan when it was different from your own? In times like that how do you respond? In Genesis chapter 18 we see two different responses to God's stated plan.

First we have a holy visitation. The Lord comes to Abraham and Abraham invites him to dinner. He must have recognized The Lord I think because of his close walk with Him. The Lord announces that He will return in about a year and Sarah will have a son. Hearing this, Sarah laughs.

The prospect of bearing a child seemed preposterous at her late age. But the Lord had promised this earlier to Abraham so it should not have been a surprise. We have read some of the prophesies that have not yet been fulfilled like the rapture and the tribulation time and they seem absurd to the worldly minded. But we know there is nothing too hard for The Lord.

Perhaps you face circumstances right now that seem to have no earthly solution and doom appears on the horizon of your mind. It is at times like these that we must look up and trust that there is nothing too hard for The Lord and place our fates in his hands.

Sarah perhaps doubted or perhaps was amused at the thought of having a little boy. But there is no doubt that God can accomplish all that He pleases in ways that will make even unbelievers stand back and take notice.

We have a second response to God's promise when Abraham pleads for the lives of the unknown righteous ones living on Sodom and Gomorrah. Notice that God thinks so highly of his chosen one that He would share his plans with him. (Verse 17). He certainly knew Lot was living there, but I think His concern was more than just for Lot.

Abraham's plea was to save the entire city for the sake of the righteous that might be found there. Abraham was pleading to spare the lives of the wicked as well so that God's name would not be tarnished. He appeals to The Lord and calls Him "the judge of the earth" Abraham knew He was speaking to the Almighty.

God yields to Abraham's request. God loves his children so much that He shares His heart with them and listens to their concerns. God would have been right to destroy the City altogether, but He has compassion on his children and cares for their concerns.

We have no need to fear God's plans and no reason to doubt since he has proven himself to be able to accomplish anything. Our challenge today is to align ourselves with God's plans. If we need to abandon our plans because they conflict with God's then so be it.

As Christians we are honored to have the ear of God and to live in his care. Do not neglect prayer my friend as it is our connection to God's heart.

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you thanking you for the opportunity to share in your blessings but also to be able to share the concerns of my heart. Please help us to look to you alone for our salvation as you are the only one who can accomplish it. In Jesus' name I pray.

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