Friday, November 23, 2012

Genesis 24 - God Ordering Events

Abraham wanted to provide for his son a wife, but wisely he recognized that if the wife were to come from the land where they lived, Isaac would be constantly exposed to foreign gods and false worship. If you think that a wife has little influence over her husbands spiritual condition, look up the story of Solomon. But I digress.

Something remarkable happens with Abraham's servant sent on a mission to find a wife for Isaac from among Abraham's people. It would seem that when he arrived he would just ask about the family of Abraham's brother and be directed to the place of the relatives (that is how I might have done it). But the servant prays instead asking for a specific sign that this is the one. When asked for a drink, she will not only provide for him but also for his camels. (A very generous offer considering how much camels can drink). Rebekah comes out just as he is finished praying and does exactly what he had asked for in his prayer.

Have you ever had a prayer answered so specifically that there was no doubt God answered it? When we pray we should be specific in our prayers. Not that God needs the details but see how it confirmed the faith of the servant and how he dropped down to worship God right there.

Another benefit of specific prayer is that it provides a testimony that others might believe. When the servant shared his story with Rebekah's family, they commented that this must be from The Lord (verse 69 says, "this is from The Lord; we can say nothing to you one way or the other". They were prepared to say farewell to their daughter because they believed the testimony of the servant.

Perhaps we could win even more souls for The Lord if only we would dedicate ourselves more to prayer and share the answered prayers with those we meet.

There are some key lessons I find for our stewardship.

1. The servant prayed first - we are prone to praying on a matter only after our plans fail.
2. God moved specifically in response to a specific prayer offered in faith. And by the way directed the servant to exactly the right girl for Isaac. No doubt she was selected by God for him.
3. The servant worshipped God when his faith was confirmed in answered prayer.
4. Others believed that this was of God as a result if his testimony. First Rebekah and also her family.
5. Rebekah and her family acted in faith and let her go to meet her husband. What amazing thing will God show you if you will take your faith into action?

I am praying even now that my nieces and nephews will be guided to the mate of God's choosing; one that will increase their faith and not guide them into false worship. They are all as of this writing single. I am praying that God will strengthen my witness not only in my home as I minister to my husband, but also to others as I share God's wonderful story and how He continues to answer my prayers.

Let's pray together.

Dear Heavenly Father, help us to act in faith today and we pray you will guide the events of our days to create a stronger faith in us and a bolder witness to the world. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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