Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Genesis 50 - Estate Planning

In this chapter we see many acts of love and kindness at the passing of Jacob and later of Joseph. 

1.  Note the great love Joseph had for his father; verse 1 says he threw himself on his father and wept over him and kissed him. He and his father had a very special bond and while Joseph knew he would join him in eternity, he still mourned for his passing from his earthly existence. 

Joseph spared no expense to ensure that his father's body was cared for and Jacob's burial wish was honored. 

It is right to give honor to our parents in life and in death. Jacob was a grand patriarch of his time and greatly beloved. 

2.  The Egyptians mourned for 40 days. Both Jacob and Joseph were highly revered. The physicians took great care to embalm Jacob, the mourning period was observed in Egypt for the passing of a foreigner, a Hebrew normally despised in the eyes of the Egyptians. The influence of Joseph and Jacob was so great as to overcome their predisposition to despise and caused them to honor them instead. 

As Christians we are foreigners in a land not our own. We belong to Heaven but live on Earth. Will our lives be so excellent that God is honored at our passing and even unbelievers will give God glory when we pass, seeing our life lived out for His glory here?  

3.  Pharaoh honored Jacob. Joseph asked to be able to honor his father's dying wishes and Pharaoh not only let him go with his family to bury his father in the place where his ancestors were buried, but verse 7 indicates that ALL Pharaoh's officials and dignitaries accompanied him. With chariots and horsemen this was a notable burial procession. 

The mourning was so notable to the residents of the land that they even named the place for the mourning of the Egyptians (verse 11). 

4.  Joseph mourned for 7 days. Jacob's passing left a great hole in the lives of those he touched. They would see him again in eternity, but they missed his presence with them. There would be no one who could replace the position of Jacob in their lives. 

5.  Joseph bore no animosity toward his brothers and continued to provide for them in Egypt. They knew Joseph could have executed punishment for their transgressions but he saw God at work in the midst of even the mistreatment he endured. He chose not to bear a grudge against those who harmed him for God was working out His plan. 

6.  God's blessing of Joseph. God blessed Joseph with great power and influence in Egypt. God also blessed Joseph with a long life allowing him to see the birth if his great-great grandchildren. His life was full and well pleasing to God. 

Joseph knowing he was about to die gave instructions to his sons for his death. He looked forward to a day of deliverance from Egypt and wanted to also be buried with his father even though the Egyptian leadership no longer looked on Joseph and his family with favor. 

We have an opportunity while living to express our wishes for not only our burial but also the dispossession of our material goods. God gives them to us as stewards to manage and that responsibility extends to the care they are given after your passing as well. We should take time to document our directions for the generations after us on a will or letter so that they may continue the legacy you established and continued in your life. 

Both Jacob and Joseph influenced their generation for good and for God's glory. They lived well and died in God's good time leaving a legacy that extends to our generation. 

Dear Christian, run your race here well that God may be glorified and your legacy may continue after you. The kindness and wisdom you extend today will be remembered for a long time.  Take time to consider your legacy and how your influence might continue to bring God  glory even after you get promoted to Heaven!  

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him!  

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