Moses resisted God's call not out of unbelief but out of fear of rejection by his people and an understanding that this was really big. The slavery the people endured would take more power to overcome than they had - it would take the power of God. There would certainly be doubters in the crowd. After all the people had waited so long.
God provided several signs in this chapter for Moses to demonstrate. It is important to note that signs in scripture are primarily given to resolve unbelief. Unbelievers want to see a supernatural act of God before they will believe. God was sending a sign for the unbelievers.
Any student of history at the time would have known that God had promised to deliver his people out of captivity. In Genesis 15:13-14, God told Abraham that his descendants would live in a foreign land and would be mistreated for 400 years. They even had a timeline; they should believe, but the people had grown weary in waiting.
How much like the Israelites we seem to be in our own time. By the way, God's deliverance is sooner today than ever before, but many have grown weary in the waiting. People look for signs of God's blessing on them demonstrating their lack of faith. The signs we look for today are wealth, security, power and position, but please understand this is not how God usually does his business. Power and authority are given to the wicked as well. In fact, Satan can mirror the supernatural acts of God and masquerades as an angel of light offering a counterfeit.
God does place people in positions of power and wealth, but with them often gives greater responsibility to use these blessings not for our own benefit but for God's glory that he could use us a tools to demonstrate his power.
In the United States we have been born into more wealth and greater freedom than most of the world has ever known. People still flock to our country for greater opportunity and the hope to enjoy the luxury we have. We have greater responsibility to care for those who are struggling. We should defend the defenseless not in our power but in demonstration of God's power.
Moses went out with a message if hope and deliverance. If you belong to The Lord, you have a message if hope and deliverance as well. In fact we have the historical record of Jesus' coming and the foretelling of his return. There are many that need to hear that God loves them and will believe if you will have the courage to share.
If you have been given a supernatural sign from God it is to reassure the unbelievers in your area of influence - be sure to use them to bring glory to God. The measure of our lives is not in how much we collect but in how much we spend for God's glory. Our lives are to be lived in only one country. Will you be at home in Egypt or will you look to the promised land?
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him!
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