To put it into today's context, imagine you have been asked to give God's message to our President and you were known as a dissident. You have opposed the President and stirred people against him. Now you want an audience with the man to ask him to take an action for you. Not likely you will get the time of day.
Moses however does get an audience with the Pharaoh and rather than appealing to his station and ego, he boldly says: "this is what The Lord, the God of Israel says; "LET MY PEOPLE GO"". What boldness! Pharaoh was considered God and worshipped. No demands are placed on God. To take this confrontational stance was a death sentence.
Pharaoh didn't dismiss this message as without merit, he feared God enough to see the challenge to his authority and increased the oppression of the people. There was a showdown about to take place and Moses was God's gunslinger.
Pharaoh rightly saw that this was a battle bigger than just changing living conditions for the people. If the God of Israel was going to place demands on him, he was going to meet this challenge head on. To give in would be to give up his position. He would die rather than be threatened that way.
Moses and the people however saw the increase in abuse and saw disaster. God had allowed things to get worse - not better. The people were angry with Moses for this hair-brained trick, but Moses goes to God.
Our message of hope to those bound in sin is not always met with open arms. That does not however diminish our responsibility to deliver it. In fact the greater the resistance, the greater potential for God to get the glory!
We live in a world hostile and even downright evil sometimes. As people of God we must be prepared to do battle to stand against the enemy and we must be calling on the one who is able to save.
If you are facing forces beyond yourself there is no better one to call on than The Lord. He has all power and all knowledge within himself and cares for you. He formed you when you were still unborn and gave you the personality and talents you possess to be employed for His kingdom. The opposition you face is nothing with God at your side. Without God at our side we are doomed already.
Consider the message of hope you have been given to share and make it your commitment to share it at least with one person today. Offer them the hope of heaven and a fullness in life that only those who have been redeemed by Jesus enjoy.
May God richly bless you as you seek him and as you serve him.
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