In the text I read they are called servants or slaves. We learn that if the servant is a Hebrew he has some rights to freedom after a term of service. This kind of reminds me of a military enlistment. The servant agrees to remain under authority for a period of time and can choose to re-enlist or go free.
Bottom line for employers or if you contract labor, you should be fair in your dealings with them. They are working for you for a living and you should pay them what is right and not take advantage of them. You shouldn't skew a labor contract in your favor but do what is right and honest.
Relationships in Community
Starting in verse 12 we see a series of rules around personal injuries. It is clear that to restore justice we are to evaluate crimes and execute judgments. List after list of judgments for particular crimes are given. I believe that this has become the basis for our justice system today. The crime must be met with equal judgment but not more than what the crime demands. This is where we get the "eye for an eye" measure of judgment.
God cares that we treat people fairly and be a good bearer of justice. God established justice and gave us these commands so that we could live together in peace knowing that we will be made right if we should become victimized.
Hope for Us
We can be assured that our future is secure in God's hands and He established justice and he measures out grace. There will be a judgment day coming where our allegiances and our deeds will be assessed. For those who accept God's provision of a Savior there is grace applied. For those who reject the offer of Salvation by grace alone, justice will come. You can know for sure that you are secure in God's hands and that Heaven is your home; and it isn't based on the laws you kept but on the works if Jesus Christ. He is our only hope of Heaven and his offer if forgiveness of sins is available to each of us. Will you choose to serve him and obey him in love and not out of securing your righteousness before God?
We need to confess our sins daily before God and receive his forgiveness. In exchange he gives us his Spirit to keep us close, to comfort and correct us as we live for Him.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.