Friday, November 29, 2013

Leviticus 1 - No Second Bests

I believe that every chapter of scripture is given to us by Divine inspiration and that each is meant to be applied to our hearts. God has been so good to provide us this revelation of His character, His purposes and His offer of hope to all humanity. 

As we open Leviticus the very first chapter speaks of our need for atonement. We are sinners and are deserving of God's judgment. From Adam on we all have fallen short and all have sin lurking within us. We don't just commit sins - we are sinners through and through and we would have no hope if God had not intervened. 

Even from Adam, God has reached down to man and offered hope of reconciliation. All we have to do is confess our need and accept God's prescribed offering. In the Old Testament we have foreshadows of the offering Christ made of himself for all human kind. 

Even when we recognize and confess sin we want the resolution to be quick and painless. In Leviticus 1 we see the sacrifice made for atonement of sin was costly, deadly, and messy. This was no Sunday ritual, this cut right down to the core. 

The offering was to be a male without defect. There was no option to offer God the second best. It was to be the best if what was there. It was to be without defect - perfect. (Lev 1:3). 

The offerer was to slaughter this perfect animal in the presence of the priest. (Lev 1:5). To take the best of your herd and to slaughter it to pay for your sin. Sin is always associated with death. This image is clear here. 

The offering was a bloody mess. The blood was splayed across and against the altar and the animal was burned in pieces on the altar. This animal had not committed sin but died to take the place if the sinner. The burning of the sacrifice carries with it a foreshadow of the hell that sinners are spared. 

Our Hope
In the same way, when we are adopted by God into His family it is not a casual thing. God offered His perfect son, sinless to spare us from eternity in Hell. 

When we acknowledge our sin before God and accept Jesus as that perfect sacrifice to cover all sin it is no small thing. In redeeming us God has made us His own and we enjoy blessings we did not earn. We have a hope of eternity in Heaven with Him if we will only come to Him and accept the offering made for us. 

God loves you and longs for you to embrace this hope made for you. Free but costly; death brought to life; and filth made clean. We can rejoice in considering all we have been given through our Savior, Christ Jesus. If you have accepted this offer of salvation from the penalty of sin you have also been given His Holy Spirit to live within you and to guide you all the days of your life. 

Our offering unto God should not be a pittance left over after the rest is spent, but should be the life spent in gratitude and thanksgiving for the blessings we have here and the hope of a home in Heaven. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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