Friday, January 3, 2014

Leviticus 12 - Purification

Aren't babies just wonderful?  They look so innocent and their skin is so soft. When I see a baby smile, I can't help but respond in kind. This chapter of Leviticus brings us to purification rites after childbirth. Most casual followers of scripture will likely find these rituals absurd, but if you consider that this ritual points is back to original sin and that each child brought into the world is a new sinner the passage gains perspective. 

Babies are sinners from the moment they arrive on the scene, not because of anything they have done, but because they are a child of a sinner who ultimately descended from Adam, a sinner. Purity cannot come from sin. 

Furthermore our sins are not based on acts of commission -those acts just make public the deep sin nature within us. That baby is a sinner from birth. He didn't need to "do" anything to demonstrate that sin; but just wait - in time he will. 

The mother purifies herself after bringing into the world a new sinner. Following God's command to be fruitful and multiply, she is obedient yet still not holy; still not pure. 

Interesting also is the accommodation made for the poor. The required sacrifice was based on what can be afforded. (Lev. 12:8). We should do likewise in making accommodations for the poor among us. Our purity is not based on the value of the sacrifice but on the obedience to the command. 

Obedience is the mark of submission. It demonstrates our love in most practical ways serving the object of our affection. Let's spur one another on to obedience so that we may honor God and run our race on earth well. 

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