In Egypt and in Canaan, their worship if other gods included perverse sexual rituals and God places clear warnings in from of the people to not repeat these practices - Lev 18:3. Sexual desire is a powerful driver and can lead any of us astray if we do not guard ourselves. Many a family is broken and many fortunes are ruined because of sexual misconduct. Their testimony for Jesus Christ shattered.
We live in an era where some of these practices forbidden in scripture are now called "normal, natural" expressions of ourselves and should not be condemned. Sex outside of marriage is considered normal and homosexuality is embraced. Some would even have us believe that it is endorsed by God himself. Others reject God and make their own rules saying what happens between consenting adults is private and acceptable.
We have twisted God's plan and deceived ourselves into believing we are at peace with God when we have pursued our own passions. We have not held marriage between a man and a woman high. Divorce is so easy and so frequent that our younger generations no longer see marriage as desireable. Children are born into disfunctional situations where father is not committed to mother, so can children expect their parents to commit to the children's needs?
We cannot call right what God calls wrong. Dear children of God, we are called to be examples of holiness to the world so that they can have the hope of a Savior that we have accepted. We must not live like the world or embrace its false religion. Purity is something we should hold high and guard in our lives. Yes we are all sinners descended from Adam , but we have been given God's description for Holy living and we are called to pursue it.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.
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