Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Numbers 12 - Jealousy and Racism not Becoming

As we open Chapter 12 of Numbers we find Miram and Aaron standing up against Moses. Their reasoning?  Moses married an Ethiopian woman (Num 12:1). I honestly think that Miriam had a falling out with this woman and elicited Aaron's support that is why her name is mentioned first. According to tradition the older male would be first in line. 

Their reasoning was clearly malfunctioning, because the next statement they make is that The Lord has spoken to them as well.  Citing that they were just as worthy and capable of leadership of the people as Moses was.  The two charges don't even go together. 

Again, I think that Miriam instigated this confrontation. Until now we see nothing of her problems with Moses wife, and her issues with this other woman probably had no basis, so Miriam could do no better than to pull out the race card. She contended that Moses should be disqualified from leadership because he has married outside the Israelite people. He did not maintain the purity of the lineage. 

Her second charge that they also had direct access to God so she and her brother Aaron are more than qualified. She was jealous for power. More than any female in scripture so far, she appears to be quite the women's libber. She wants power and authority and wants to take Moses down a notch at the same time. 

What she didn't consider is that it was God who chose Moses and not Moses asserting his leadership. This passage even reminds us that Moses was a very humble man (Num 12:3). Moses had been selected for this mission so it was not Moses she really had issue with, it was God. She was directly challenging God himself and God directly confronted her with leprosy. Though Aaron pleaded for her she was separated from the camp so the entire nation knew of her punishment. 

Notice that Moses doesn't engage in this battle with Miriam. He remains quiet while The Lord addresses the issue. I personally am too quick to defend myself. I can gain much more by being quiet and leaving my conflict at God's feet. 

The racism Miriam displayed was just a cover for her underlying desire for power and she was using whatever charge she could bring against Moses. You too have been placed in your position by God and he can redirect you or keep you where He placed you. We don't have to fear when we are God's chosen. Be faithful where you are places and God will honor you if not here on earth, with crowns in Heaven. 

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