Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Numbers 16 - Challenging Authority

No one likes to live under the domination of another. In fact, one of the common elements of our human nature is the desire to control our circumstances. In this chapter we will consider the dangers of allowing our desires to stand against God and His appointed leadership. 

The Rebellion
Korah was a Levite, in fact he was among the special line of Levites selected for service in the tabernacle. He was blessed with honorable work that would give him great personal respect among the nation. His drive for more led him to organize a rebellion against Moses and Aaron. He persuaded hundreds to stand against Moses. He had even established a council of 250 leaders to come as a group to speak for the people against Moses and Aaron. 

Korah says something amazing. In Num 16:3, he says, "the whole community is holy". This was not just a stand against Moses, but this was an outward challenge to God who had confronted their rebellion when the spies returned and there were murmurings among the people. Korah capitalized on this discontent and used the opportunity for his own power grab. He should have realized that he faced more than an aging Moses and Aaron, He was setting himself up for a showdown with God himself. 

Moses' Response
Moses wisely did not stand on his own authority, but prayed to God and left the resolution to God. Moses says that in the morning God will choose the Holy servant for His leadership of the people. Moses wasn't power hungry- in fact he would have chosen to relinquish his position, but He was faithful to God and God had appointed Him for the task. Moses would have the rebels bring incense before The Lord and have The Lord choose. 

Moses endures accusations from Dathan and Abriam contending that Moses lorded power over them so they would not comply with his request for a hearing with Moses. (Num 16:13-14). Moses' character was not to coerce submission to God through power, but to plead with the people and for the people. Moses went to God when he was falsely accused and asked for God to act. Moses rightly discerned that this was a battle between God and the rebel leaders and it would be best to stand back and let God address the insurrectionists. 

God's Response
God is a Holy God and cannot abide such insolence. In our time, God has withheld His righteous judgement and is storing it up for a judgment to come, but for our benefit He gives us a picture of this coming judgment here and it is horrifying. This is more raw than any action film and something I do not want even my worst enemy to experience. I wish Christians believed more in the judgement so that we could more passionately plead with those who may be eternally separated from God by their hardness toward Him here in earth. 

Korah, Dathan, Abraim and their families are swallowed up by the earth. (Num 16:31-34). Fire consumed the 250 council members bringing incense before The Lord (Num 16:35). 

This should have been traumatizing enough that the people would have repented of their rebellion and sought forgiveness of God, but the next day they accused Moses of killing the leaders and continued to oppose him. God came to even end the nation altogether, but Moses prays on behalf of the people and makes atonent for the people. 

God relents from killing everyone thogh he would have been justified if He had. Nevertheless, 14,700 people died as a result of this plague in addition to the leaders of the rebellion. 

We too are sinners worthy of death before a Holy God. We do not deserve His mercy toward us, but God has relented in His judgment against His people and has chosen to spare us from eternal damnation we deserve. It is not our doing but the work of God for His own glory he has given us this promise of eternal life. Anyone who will turn away from their rebellion and toward His son Jesus can have this same hope. 

Dear friend, if you are a Chrisitian, please warn your friends and family of the wrath to come. No one wants to see Gods wrath. Now is the time to turn from a life of rebellion to submission to God's authority. 

If you are under human authority and there is an abuse of power, pray to God who placed this person in power to convict their hearts and to intervene. We have a great God who cares for His people and who loves those who come to Him. We can trust God as Moses did to defend our honor and to being justices. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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