If you think that women don't have great power over men just look at what they were able to do. In addition to getting the men of Israel to engage in adultery with them, they also turned them from their God to the Baals of the land. These women were able to cause men to abandon their principles and follow them all for momentary passions and tasty treats. There was a war alright, but it was against the men; not against the women. They were brazen enough to walk right past Moses as if to flaunt their rebellion.
God did indeed respond to this reckless rebellion by sending a plague which killed 24,000. Additionally, God commanded that the guilty men should be exposed and killed before the assembly of people so that there would be no doubt that God refuses to tolerate this open rebellion. The plague did not stop until Phinehas (Aaron's grandson) put a spear through the couple that walked past Moses.
Phinehas received from God a covenant of a lasting priesthood because of his passion for the honor of God. As we consider our own times, sin abounds and open rebellion against God is prevalent. We are faced with the same conflict as Phinehas; will we stand for purity and defend God's honor or will we passively look the other way? Will we encourage others to turn from sin and warn them of the judgment against sin or will we be bystanders as one by one, hundreds upon thousands are seduced by the promises of pleasure the world offers?
Unlike the times of Moses, God has not executed immediate judgment in our times. People are lulled into thinking that God doesn't see or care about their misconduct. They might even deceive themselves into either thinking they are forgiven or that God doesn't exist at all. What a perilous time we live in with so many lives at stake.
We live in a world where seduction is rampant. It isn't labeled sin or we might run from it. It frequently comes to us named as pleasure, recreation, harmless folly; but make no mistake, we could be seduced - and judges just as these Israelites were. We however also have the opportunity to stand for right like Phinehas. The sides are clearer now for us; the world has gone so far astray, that standing for God is a distinct separation from the mainstream. Like Joshia once said, choose you this day who you will serve; as for me, I will serve The Lord.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.