In this chapter God says the same to the nation of Israel. God looks for actions of love on the part of the people He has preserved and protected. He describes the lavish gifts He wants to give them if only they will love Him in return. The commands God gives are small demonstrations of affection He longs for in His people. He says, "love The Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength" (Deut 6:5). He longs to be loved by His people; in return He gives us His life and provides for our needs. Psalm 19:8 says "the precepts of The Lord are right giving joy to the heart." God's law not only shows us His standard for Holy conduct but also shows us His desire for His people.
Our love for God should overwhelm us. It should flow into acts of obedience to please the lover of our soul. God brings his people through much difficulty and pain to show his affection and great power that we would turn to Him even in the midst of prosperity and find our lives complete in Him, but far too often we content ourselves with the pleasures of this world and fall in with the ways of the unbelievers.
If we could seek hard after God and find Him to be the desire we have longed for we could be salt and light to a dying world and let them see there is more life than they have experienced when they see it in you. We must pursue this love for ourselves and share it with others. We are God's people given to the world that theyay know Him and love Him too. How about it? Are you ready to shine that Jesus may be glorified hear and to find the life our soul thirsts for?
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.