God is still a God of the possible. He still works miracles. The greatest miracle is that He saved a sinner like me bound for Hell and covered that sin with the righteousness of Jesus Christ. I was bought from prison and made free. I am so free that one day I will be higher than the Angels and will be the bride of Christ forever joined to Him and never experience pain, distress or loneliness again. I am challenged day in and day out to remember whose I am and that even the darkest day is overcome by the light. I am not to live like the unbelievers around me, but to practice in faith the lifestyle God prescribes. Holy living in the blessed care of my Lord. When we live differently, we witness to the Lord's power on our lives.
This blog was intended to spell out wisdom for our finances, but our finances are so intertwined with our passions and our lifestyle that they cannot be separated. What we love and how we love determines our financial priorities. Will we live a life focused on the earthly pleasures that can be obtained? Will we live for stuff, power, leisure or escape? Or will we lay our lives down and let God choose what is best and follow Him as we live out our days?
In this chapter we have a foreshadow of Jesus' coming (Deut 18 15-20). Jesus stands as the true leader for God's people in contrast with the heathen gods and the false prophets speaking in the name of God. We have a guide to discern false prophets. God distinguishes false teaching from true prophesy. There are a lot is false witnesses speaking astounding prophesy and other false witnesses speaking biblical prophesy as if it were new trying to gain for themselves a name. We need to know truth. It isn't found in reading this blog, though I believe I am truthful. The way to know truth is to go to the source, the very word of God and know truth in a way that only God can do. Have that supernatural encounter with God in His word and see the life that can be yours.
God says if a prophet proclaims some event in God's name and it does not take place that is a false prophet. He is not of God and he has no power over God's people. We can always know a false prophet if they speak against the truth of scripture. If we know scripture we are equipped to judge truth from falsehood.
I pray you will look up as you live out your days and not dwell on the trials here or the obstacles. God is greater than all of this. Our life is lived for God's eternal glory and we have the assurance that we will be by His side in eternity if we will place our full faith and trust in Him.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.
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