Friday, November 14, 2014

Deuteronomy 20 - Battling Enemies

God sent the nation of Israelites into the Promised Land, but things were not smooth sailing as they imagined. They would be charged with confronting the inhabitants and usurping them from the land they occupied. God promised to give them victory but they would have to really trust Him. The enemies were hostile and well prepared to defend themselves. 

God offers up some assurances and cautions for the people as they go to battle:

1. God is on your side (Deut 20:4). The defeat of the EMT was already secure befor the battle began. God had chosen the side of His people. There is no need to fear even if the enemy is intimidating. 

2.  Don't doubt. (Deut 20:5-9). If you have concerns at home and worries that you may not fulfill a commitment, then your faith in God is probably not secure. Go home, God can't really use you. 

3.  Seek peaceable solutions first: if the enemy will surrender, then spare their lives allowing them to continue in peace. But if they refuse, their lives shouldn't be spared. They will only seek to ruin you by having you follow after other gods. 

4.  Don't ruin your future. You may need the fruit trees when ou come into the land. Hey aren't your enemy. Keep them to use later. 

These same principles can be used when we are confronted by financial enemies. We may have lost a job, have unexpected expenses, become overwhelmed by economic conditions. But as Christians who were redeemed by Christ himself, we know that God is on our side. There is nothing that we face that God cannot overcome. The test is, will we trust him when all around things look bleak?  

God can use us in the conflict if we are confident in Him. If we see his as our own battle, we should go home, we have already lost. We need not to give in to negative thinking and doubts. 

In dealing with enemies we should try to negotiate a resolution and gain their support. Calling a creditor or a former employer for a reference may pave the way for less conflict. A proactive approach may leave you with more options. 

We can often ruin our own futures by excessive debt or bleeding off retirement savings when confronted with difficulty. Resist the urge to take from your future. This difficulty is temporary. God can overcome even horrendous situations if we will abide in Him and look to Him for our help. 

When we keep an eternal perspective and stay in right relationship to God there is no enemy too great that cannot be defeated. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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