Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Deuteronomy 25 - Justice

Justice is a double edged sword. As a sinner unworthy of any favor before God, I never want to ask for justice because it would fly in the face of the grace I have received through Jesus Christ. We should never ask God for our just desserts because Justice would land us all in Hell. Only Christ's righteousness gains us any standing before a Holy God. But when we are discussing our dealings with other people here on Earth, we want to be as fair and just as possible so as not to bring even greater judgment down upon us. 

This chapter discusses various ways we as God's people can be the bearers of Justice and guard against oppression of the vulnerable. 

Sentencing of Criminals Deut 25:1-3
When a criminal is found guilty the criminal must have a sentence appropriate for the crime. There were limits placed on the number of lashes. We too should use caution when retaliating against an offense. There is a place for justice and a place for mercy. 

Muzzling an Ox - Deut 25:4
This seems like God is reminding men to take good care of their animals. No doubt we should, but Paul helps us with an application in 1Cor 9:9 suggesting that it is a principal we should apply to those who share the gospel. We should pay them their wages and not expect them to work without reward. 

Heir for the Widow - Deut 25:5-10
Next of kin were expected to stand in the gap for a fallen brother and care for his widow and assure that there would be an heir to carry on the legacy of the fallen brother. It was called the kinsman redeemer.  The application of this law is seen in Ruth chapter 4 as Boaz offers the right of redemption to the near relative and then assumes the responsibilities of the kinsman redeemer when the first refused. Justice stands up for the vulnerable and provides for those who have no hope. This is also a picture of what our Lord Jesus did for us when we stood bankrupt before God facing eternity of punishment and without hope. our Redeemer bought is and made us His own. We have a legacy forever because of His payment on our behalf. 

Differing Weights -Deut 25:14-19
Our business dealings should be honest. We are not to scam or take advantage of another. God sees every dishonest act and hates them. Absolute honesty is a high standard, but we are called to live rightly. An example of a just weight and measure was applied to the Amelekites as they had measured out to the nation of Israel, they were to receive back in executing God's Justice.  When we take a stand against God and His people we can be sure God will not take that lightly

While we are not in the place of God to execute eternal Justice, we are called to live rightly and to treat others justly so that God receives the glory and we do not heap punishment for ourselves. Weust not ignore offenses but address th me appropriately and without malice. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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