Friday, December 26, 2014

Deuteronomy 27 - Take Time to be Holy

Moses is coming to the end of his ministry. He know time is short so he wants to be sure that Israel keeps God close. He really begins this message starting in Deuteronomy 26:16 reminding the people to keep God's commands because they are a chosen people called to live distinctly for God alone. He reminds them how God longs to bless them with honor and praise among the nations. 

The key to holiness is to keep God's thoughts close. Especially when we are living with abundance and plenty, our alliegiance a have a propensity to wander from the Lord's eternal bounty and take refuge in the temporal - the temporary pleasures of the here and now. God is about to give th the land flowing with milk and honey. Moses will not be going with them to give counsel and guidance so they are charged to write God's laws on stones set up as an altar. When we keep God's standard of holiness in front of us all the time we are less likely to slip into the standards of the world. 

God also provides a vision of the future for one who violates His standard. It is the future that we all have if left to our own devices - cursing. Our legacy is marred forever by the sin exposed by God unless God provides the hope of Salvation. The latter half of the chapter is dedicated to listing abominations that no man should contemplate. All sin leads to the curse. If we were not given a hope of salvation in Jesus Christ we would all be doomed. 

If we really believed that God curses sin and that hell is a real judgement for those who will not look to Christ as their hope of salvation, we would be brought to tears over loved ones, colleagues and neighbors who face an eternal separation from God - forever cursed. While we do not in judgment, the coming judgment is real and eternal. Only the work of Christ can save us. Our own merits fall short. 

It is important that for as long as we are here on earth that we keep our focus on God; living a life of holiness as an example to the world of a life lived for Him. We are blessed when we do. Not only will God honor our prayers but also men who may be willing to accept the path of everlasting life have a living reminder of what that life looks like. Keep God's commands in front of us so we can always have a touch point for holy living. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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