Monday, June 8, 2015

Joshua 15 - A Woman Honored

This chapter is unique in that right in the middle of land distribution to the tribe of Judah we have a story of Caleb and his daughter sandwiched in (Josh 15:14-19). Caleb you remember was one of the spies who went into the promised land and saw the potential for the nation of Israel and believed that God is more than powerful enough to overcome the mighty warriors of the land. Joshua then gives him the territory of Hebron. In conquering the territory Caleb issues a challenge to anyone who will conquer Kiriath Sebir - his daughter's hand in marriage. Caleb's daughter would be given in marriage to the man who would risk his life for her and would do battle for her. Caleb wanted a man of valor for his daughter. Caleb must have loved his daughter very much. Because after she is given in marriage, she boldly asks for springs of water and Caleb grants her request. 

Likewise we have been betrothed to our Lord Jesus, the one valiant perfect man who gave himself totally for the bride. He paid the price of our sin and overcame death so that we could be together forever with him and enjoy His rich inheritance. Our life is bonded to our Savior, the valiant one who loves us so that he would come and redeem is for Himself. 

Not only that, but the Father who arranged this marriage continues to hear the prayers of his children and grants their petitions according to His vast riches. We are doubly loved as was Acsah, Calebs daughter. Both Father and our Betrothed love us so that they continually provide for our needs. We can trust them and have no fear of asking for the things we desire. 

Our one common need is for love and we are loved with an everlasting love. It is vast and sees directly into our hearts and knows our deepest longings. We can trust the Father and the Son for the good things. When we arrive at our conquered abode, we will find that it has all we could ever hope for. Our home is not here but with our Lord and it has been being built for over 2000 years. Can you imagine what He has in store for us?  The inheritance that awaits us is so much more than we could ever hope for here. keep your gaze Heavenward and place your life in the Lord's capable hands. 

May God richly bless you as you seek H and as you serve Him. 

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