Friday, June 19, 2015

Joshua 16 - Temptation to Compromise

In this chapter, the half tribe of Ephraim receives its allotment of the promised land. The very last verse however shows that they were not willing to obey God when He commanded them to destroy the people of the land. They didn't even drive them away. They allowed the Cannaanites to remain in the land contrary to God's command. God saw fit to include this compromise in scripture. 

This compromise might be overlooked because God did not immediately address the failure of his people. But make no mistake, those compromises are not overlooked and the betrayal to their Lord is indeed sin. Consider the lasting consequences of living side by side with this heathen nation. As much as they might have wanted to avoid the influence of their culture, it was within their land. Even more temptation to compromise occurs when we align ourselves too closely with those who have rejected God and live for other gods  or for their own pleasures. 

Little compromises confront us every day. Will I choose to connect to my Lord in prayer as I begin my day, or will I excuse myself from devotions because of the busyness of life. Will I put off the right thing in favor of the easy thing?  Will I stand for faith when the stand is not popular?  Will I spend my time growing my knowledge of and faith in the Lord or will I wile away hours in entertainment or leisure?

Oh how many times I have taken the easy way and not stood up for right. As I look back on my own life I see the little compromises the times I had an opportunity to be bold in my faith but chose to go the way of the world or quietly keep my faith hidden from the souls around me who were perishing for lack of knowledge. I really identify with this chapter because I see that I have the same temptations to compromise my faith. 

If my compromises were written for the world to see, no one would ever listen to my witness. No one would ever look at me with respect again. In fact, I believe if your compromises were exposed, you might be in the same state. The truth is that God knows each failure. Each sin is fully known by God the only one worthy to judge. 

The compromises are sin in my life and they must be confessed before God. I must agree with God about that my conduct does not agree with His standard. I must agree with God that this is sin and must turn from the continued compromise and trust in His offer of forgiveness even though I know I am completely unworthy. No other offer is so one sided, so loving and so compassionate toward the sinner as that offer of forgiveness that Jesus made possible. 

Our responsibility is to agree with God that we have sinned, commit with Gods help to turn from future acts of compromise and accept the forgiveness Jesus offers and walk in the righteous covering he gives to his people. We all have sinned and fall end short of Gods holy standard. Our failure might have lasting consequences but God's mercies are new every morning and we can find peace with agog if we will trust in His offer of grace. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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