But Eli's sons had treated the Lord's things as if they were their own and judgment had been promised, not once, but twice from messengers of God. This would be the day the Lord removed them from the earth.
Because their leaders were corrupt and deserving of God's judgment, many soldiers would also die in battle that day. Their faith is never written, but I am sure they had newfound confidence that the Lord would be with them. None really believed it was their last day on earth except the Philistines.
We don't know the number of our days, but we can be assured that at the end of them there is eternity. We have only this life to decide to either follow or disregard the Lord. One thing is certain, the day is nearer now than it ever has been.
There are innocent lives that may perish at the judgment of the wicked because of their corruption and their disdain of the Lord. Those innocent lives will live on in the presence of the Lord if they have looked to Him for their salvation. They suffer only for a while here and then eternal joy in the presence of God himself. There are also those who went to battle that day that likely did not trust the Lord, but like Phineas and Hopni, thought that the Lord would not defend His name. They will stand before the Lord to give an account and He will measure out His justice for them.
We don't know what the result of the battles we face will be. Some like the Philistines may be facing what seems to be a sure death and find that they are given another day to turn from their wickedness and find that the Lord accepts even those who have strayed. They had another opportunity to believe in the Lord and to embrace Him for themselves.
One thing we can know is that the Lord knows the hairs on our heads and the number of our days. He knows our hearts and if our faith is placed in Him we can have the assurance that no matter what the day begins we will be inHis presence and under His care.
The activities here can take our attention off eternity, but is we could see our circumstances from God's eyes we would be more thoughtful about our worship here. God cannot be disregarded and put aside in the busyness of life, but should be placed first. We have the promise of God that if we will seek Him and His righteousness, every thing else will find its proper place.
We live among a corrupt world and we doc it know the number of our days. But right here, right now we can choose to put the Lord in His proper place, worship Him, enjoy His fellowship and see His answer our prayers as we place our days in His hands.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him!