All this trouble had been heaped on the nation of Israel not because God had forgotten them or left them alone to suffer, but that they might might see such a powerful act of God against their oppressors that every generation to follow would know that God acts on behalf of his people.
For 400 years Israel lived in among a nation that despised them. They slaved for oppressors and many innocents died because of their mistreatment. I think about all the young boys who were killed under Pharaoh's decree at the time of Moses' birth. Not one was forgotten, though some passed into eternity before the great deliverance.
Even today when God's people are in difficult situations we remember how mightily God saved his people from Egypt and we look for a miracle like that on our behalf. We remind God of his lovingkindness to Israel and ask on the basis of His in changing character that God hold us in his care.
This deliverance is a picture of how God saves his people. No work of their own saved them. If the Israelites had stood up to fight the Egyptians they would have surely lost. But God acted in such a way that it was clear it was God's hand at work and even the Egyptians believed. They knew God was acting on behalf of his people and if they stood in God's way they would surely die.
No matter what pestilence, oppression, or darkness befalls us, we have a God who is Almighty and who sees each act and keeps record. Our suffering does not escape the Lord's attention and whether it be for our correction (as in the case of Egypt) or to strengthen our faith (as in the case of Israel) God gets the glory and it is really His story being unfolded and not our own. We are honored to be players in this drama unfolding in our lives and we can be sure that God remembers his people kindly as he brings them through overwhelming adversity.
In our financial affairs sometimes meeting all our obligations seems challenging if not impossible. We can know that even this can be used to display the mighty work of God. If our wrong choices created the problem, we should confess before God and get rid of any temptations that lead us to offend. If adversity is not of our own doing we can look to God for deliverance and He will unfold His story using the difficulties of your life.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.
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