Egypt is an object lesson of the Bible. It represents the world and all it has to offer. It may sound pleasant at first, but step by step living worldly leaves us in bondage and suffering. It may have seemed like freedom at first, but one day you wake up under a mountain of debt or with ulcers and you realize you bought into a lie.
There are some examples from this chapter, I believe we can apply to our lives if we want to move toward that promised land.
A sacrifice is required. Deliverance will require a sacrifice from someone. If it were easy and free there would be no need for consideration. God wanted the Israelites to know that it is the blood sacrifice that saves. For the Israelites it was a matter of life or death. Their deliverance came without any personal merit, but it would not come without a cost. Belonging to God will have costs along the way, but they are small compared with our reward.
Absolute obedience is required. Too often we try to manufacture our own deliverance or compromise God's command. God give detailed instructions here to the families and they must be followed to benefit from the deliverance. Is it possible that we may want the blessing of God, but we want to maintain some worldly practices as well? We need to be clear about our choice - God does not compromise with the world.
Available to all. Ex 12:48-49 make it clear that the alien is invited to experience the deliverance and celebrate the annual remembrance each year alongside the Israelites. Furthermore it was to be a remembrance throughout the generations being taught to the children Ex 12:25-28. It is important that we pass on the lessons we have learned from God to our children and encourage them to keep the faith.
It was supernatural. The favor God gave to the Israelites that the Egyptians would bestow their remaining wealth on them as they left the country is evidence of a supernatural influence. They and their livestock were spared the devastation of the Angel of Death that visited all the firstborn that night. They were not prevented from leaving - they were urged to leave. Ex. 12:33.
In God's time. Israel might have longed for deliverance 100 years or more prior to the time God ordained, but God had foreordained the time when he gave Abraham the promise of a legacy. In Ex. 12:41 you see that the deliverance was 430 years to the day when God lifted his people from under the curse of Egypt. God has a plan for us in each bit of suffering He allows to come our way, but ultimately His plan is to demonstrate His power by delivering us from the power of the world and sin.
Deliverance points to Jesus. In this passage we learn about the qualities of Jesus. In order for Him to be the sacrifice that saves, He would need to be perfect, no bones broken, His blood covers us and spares us from eternal death. Jesus provides the unmerited favor giving us a Passover from the penalty for our sin. When God delivers there are pointers toward Jesus. We need to tell the world about this deliverance and how they can enjoy it too.
The greatest deliverance we have is not the escape of any temporal discomfort but from the bondage of sin we were all born into. We can have real freedom and life abundant if we will turn from the world and turn toward The Lord.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him today.
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