Thursday, July 4, 2013

Exodus 9 - God's Purpose

Pharaoh was a tough man. In spite of all the plagues, he stood his ground - choosing to lose his entire kingdom before he would yield to any other authority. Pharaoh was that sure he was right - or perhaps that stubborn. 

There was no doubt who Pharaoh's beef was with. Each plague was issued as God's word. Look in Exodus 9:1 - "then The Lord said to Moses, "Go to Pharaoh and say to him, 'This is what The Lord says: "Let my people go, so that they may worship me." If you refuse....  Pharaoh knew he was dealing with God. The problem was he thought he WAS God. 

In this chapter was have plagues on livestock, boils and hail. But just before the hail God interrupts to explain His purpose to Pharaoh. Look at verses 13 -16. God reveals that these plagues were sent that Pharaoh and he Officials of Egypt would know there is a God in Heaven and that He is Almighty and there is none like God.  Pharaoh was a powerful enemy, but he could not stand under the opposition of Almighty God. 

Look at verse 15: God reminds Pharaoh that he could have wiped him out and killed him but he didn't because he wanted to reveal himself to Pharaoh and to the entire planet. It would take this level if drama to get Pharaoh's attention. Do you have drama in your life?  Is it possible that God has allowed this to come to you so that he can show you how powerful he is to you?  

God was at work in Pharaoh's life from the start. In verse 16, God tells Pharaoh he raised him up for this purpose. God was there throughout Pharaoh's formative years and was planning all along to use him to reveal Himself. I can see no goodness in Pharaoh revealed in this story, but this is God's story. God can use even (maybe especially) hard hearted individuals to accomplish His will. Is there someone in your life opposing God and making your way difficult?  Even these cannot help but be players in God's unfolding story to the world. They cannot stand against God and win.  

Look at Pharaoh's response in verse 27. Pharaoh acknowledges his sin and admits God is right and he and his people are wrong. That is what God waited for in Adam, it was what he wanted from the people in Noah's time and it is what he wants from us. God wants us to know our sins so we can see the wonder of God's redemption.  

Dear Christian if you are facing difficulties look for Gods unfolding story. God is still Almighty and He will bring glory to himself even in the midst if opposition. Look to your help which comes from above. God's story of redemption is being written for you. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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