If we steal, borrow or are in some way placed in care of someone else's property, we are responsible to the owner of the property. To not restore the owner to their full is to treat them as if they are not worthy and less important than ourselves. We have a duty to honor our friends possessions as we honor our friends. There is a principle involved: honoring of someone extends beyond their person to their stuff.
As we apply this principle, consider if we have depleted value from another. If we stretch the truth on our income taxes we steal from the government (or the nation as a whole). If we fudge on our expenses to our employer or not fully engage in the corporate work, we are defrauding our employer. There is always a person at the end of the offense. Even filing bankruptcy defrauds not only the creditors to whom money was owed but also the other customers who bear that cost through higher fees charged.
In the second part of this chapter, the topic turns to direct violations against a person and against God. We see that the vulnerable are not to be mistreated. The alien, the widow, the orphan, the poor all have value in God's eyes and should be treated respectfully. The way we treat others is a reflection of how we value our position before God. We were needy and aliens before God and He showed mercy to us. We demonstrate His character when we show that same mercy to others.
God also demands respect. Our Creator deserves our worship, our sacrifices, our honor, even the dedication of the first-born in recognition that without Him we have nothing. Our very life is His. God outlines for us what respect for Him should look like and how repulsive it is to rob Him of His place.
Our choices in our administering money, treatment of others and our worship of God say something about what we value and the character we bear. Will we bear God's character or will we defraud God and others by living only for ourselves?
I pray that as you consider God's word for our lives that you will choose to serve him with all your time, talents, gifts and service! As He said in Ex 22:31, we are God's holy people. We should live in a way that demonstrates our allegiance.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.
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