Friday, September 20, 2013

Exodus 26 & 27 - Detailed Plans

As a financial planner, I love to see detailed plans of life goals and how they will be accomplished. Likewise in these chapters God lays out detailed plans for the Tabernacle and its furnishings. He outlines a materials list, colors, patterns, size, and even assembly instructions. 

God intended for his place of meeting the people to be sturdy, functional and pleasing to the eye. With cherubim a woven into the fabric and gold and silver decorative touches. Each piece served a purpose with nothing unplanned or unused. 

The plans for the construction were incredibly detailed. God does not leave us to work through projects without guidance. He cares about the details and guides his people. He is also concerned with the details of our service to Him. He doesn't satisfy Himself with what is leftover, but He has a plan and a purpose for each servant. 

There was employment for skilled artisans, weavers, tent makers and builders. I am sure that many gifts from the people provided for the materials and the precious metals used in the construction.  I feel sure there was a role for everyone in this project. Later,  the priests will bring offerings and serve The Lord here. 

When I was a young Christian, I thought that service to The Lord was limited to religious work. The missionaries and the ministers were at work for The Lord, but in this chapter we see that artists and all types of skilled workers have a place of service. 

God has equipped each of us to serve Him in a special way. He has gifted us with special personality traits and skills we can use. He was in the details of our education and even gifting us with mental and physical capacity for service. Each servant is equipped differently and performs differing roles, but as his child he will not call us to a task and leave us without the wisdom, strength and capacity to complete it according to His plan. A measure of our obedience is how closely we obey His plan for us and how willing are we to engage ourselves in service. 

What has God planned for you?  It doesn't have to be the assembly of the tabernacle, it could be mining the ore or cutting the trees. Where God has placed you in service, serve him with all your heart and look to Him for the results. You may be keeping house, raising children, or recovering from an illness, but as long as we have breath, God is concerned with our service and calls is to witness and work for Him.  So whether it is the details of our health, our home, our worship or our work God is in the details. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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