Friday, September 6, 2013

Exodus 23 - Living the High Life

Exodus 23 contains a number of principles we can apply to our lives to experience the fullness of life promised. These principles guide us along the high road of life and keep us from adopting the practices of the world. We cannot be light to the world if we adopt its ways, so God outlines for us His way to follow. 

We are to be people who are known for absolute truth. We should not twist facts to support our own preference or to distort justice for or against another. 

Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life" Jn 14:6. When we make truth our standard we walk in way of Jesus. We are to walk away from falsehood. 

In keeping with our commitment to truth, we should never accept a bribe. When we do we have blinded ourselves to truth and righteousness and allow out testimony to be compromised. 

We were made for work. God gave us our talents and has provided the opportunities we have been given. We should work hard and make sure our families are provided for, but in recognition that our provision is from above we should observe a rest and honor The Lord weekly. Rest is a service to The Lord oft neglected. Do we allow ourselves to believe we are our own Masters of our destiny when we refuse to observe His day of rest?

We are also to provide for the poor. There are those who cannot work for one reason or another and who should be provided for out of our abundance. It is not just the offering to The Lord we are to give but we are to give to those in need. For those who are unable we are to share the bounty from the abilities The Lord has provided us. 

From our labors we are also to honor The Lord with our first fruits. We are to do this in recognition that we serve God alone and that we are grateful for His abundant provision. 

God offers protection for his people as they enter into the land of promise. An angel is sent to guide. This angel gives Gods direction and bears God's name. This angel goes before the people to disturb and strike fear among the people in the lands. 

Notice a principle in verse 30, the inhabitants are not driven out in one year but little by little. The people were not ready to assume control of the land all at once. Likewise The Lord goes before us and prepares us for each new season of life. He does not provide everything all at once but as we need and can manage it. This explains why we must continue to strive, but it is in the striving that our character is refined and we apply God's truth to our lives and find it all sufficient. 

We may not have a visible angel to guide us to our promised land but we do have a living Lord who sees, who cares and who provides for our needs on earth and paves the way for us even now for our eternity with Him.   We can reject the worlds ways and embrace the high life of our Lord. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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