In this chapter we see Aaron's sons in priestly service adding to the prescribed rituals their own idea of a holy offering. (Lev 10:1). By today's view of conduct, most would deem this a minor offense, but it is God's view that rules. Offering a substitute is not acceptable. We should never call something holy unless God calls it holy.
We live in a world that frequently diminishes God's standard for sin and promotes personal desire above holy conduct. I think of all the behaviors that have been redefined to be called acceptable in our culture. Debauchery of all kinds being called acceptable. We live in an era where more than 1/2 of babies born are to unmarried mothers, fathers are frequently disengaged from the raising of their children, sexual promiscuity is flaunted with modest clothing hard to find in retailers racks. We have to teach our children birth control in the place of abstinence. Same sex unions are seen as acceptable in God's eyes. Children are neglected so parents can pursue their passions. Alcohol and drug abuse are rampant. We live in a culture that calls the unholy holy. We have gone down a bad path and called it good. We all have fallen short of God's standard and we are prone to justification to make ourselves feel better. We don't like to admit our offenses before God, but they are there and until we identify them for what they are we live in deception.
God's view of sin has not changed and our reframing the definition of sin to suit or lifestyles is a deadly game we play with God. Just look how Nadab and Abihu fared (Lev. 10:2). God smote them dead as an example to the nation. No mourning was permitted for them. God had passed judgment and His judgment is right.
Because God has not passed immediate and final judgment on the conduct of our culture gives us all opportunity to change direction to stop and agree with God regarding our wrong attitudes and sinful acts. We have the obligation to change our ways and to help point others to a right relationship with God. It is not judgment to call sin by its name. It is love that points to sin and offers the way out. God has already given His assessment of sin in His word and by saying what Gid says does not make us judges of sin, but beacons of hope. The judgment will come and soon but not by our hands. Gods judgment will be swift, sure and final. In that day there will be no opportunity to repent.
Before someone thinks that I am saying that righteous living earns your place in Heaven, let me be clear. We have all sinned. We have the offer of forgiveness if we repent, but that forgiveness comes by means of someone paying the penalty for our sin; the only sinless man, Jesus Christ. Jesus' death and resurrection is our only hope of overcoming the eternal hell we all deserve. He offers this hope freely of we will accept it. Any other way is futile. Money, power, position all fail us at the judgment. At that time it will all come down to this: did you call sin by its rightful name and did you accept the forgiveness of sin made available to you?
We have all been given abundant opportunities to receive forgiveness and in the end, what you did with them will be what counts. Our measure of success in this life is what we do with Jesus. Will we deny Him, ignore Him, or run to Him? We cannot continue on twisted obedience and hope to have peace with God.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.
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