Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Leviticus 3 - Making Peace with God

The common condition of all mankind is the natural state of sin which throws us out of fellowship with God. We struggle to do right and to live rightly but so often find ourselves where we started. Man's efforts could never be sufficient to right ourselves before God Almighty. While God's character is love and compassion, He cannot abide sin - and yet, we are all sinners through and through. 

Some people reconcile this dilemma by accentuating God's forgiveness and love while discounting God's holiness. This leads to the thinking that God saves all because he loves everyone. These people have no need to speak against sin or to point people to a Savior because all is well with everyone. All we need to do is see the good at the heart of each person. 

Others elevate themselves by comparing themselves to people who may be executing "worse" sins. They play the odds that if God has to choose among unholy people for salvation that they would be in at least the top half since they haven't murdered or committed some terrible crime. Sins are then reduced to crimes; because if the government doesn't have an issue with the activity, why would God?

God makes it clear in this chapter that man is grossly out of fellowship with God and the solution is not a simple fix. This out of fellowship condition is worthy of eternal damnation and since man cannot save himself, God must prescribe the remedy. In order for us to have fellowship with God the chasm must be bridged. It was not a mere "sorry" offered casually, but the offering for peace with God was costly; an animal without defect. The best you have presented to God for reconciliation. It was a messy business with blood everywhere and innocent life put to death. 

This sacrifice points to the perfect sacrifice to come. Jesus became our hope of reconciliation to God. Romans 5:10 says it best, "for if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!"  Dear friends we have a Savior who could do what no animal could. Our sins are fully paid for by the innocent death of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus was all sufficient - no need for continual sacrifice when it has all been done. And best yet, our Savior overcame death and lives to intercede for us here and to make the way for our eternal salvation when this life is through. What joy should fill our souls to consider that we have what no unbeliever has ever experienced - fellowship with God himself!  Bask in that joy today!  

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him!

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