Joshua encouraged the people by telling them, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things for you" (Josh 3:5). Joshua knew that the might would not come from the fighting men of Israel, but from God himself. God gives Joshua His plan and Joshua shares with the people. When they crossed the river, the water stopped and people passed on dry ground.
You and I face difficult challenges. Some may seem impossible. But there is no circumstance too great for our God. He is able to do the miraculous and stop waters and overcome our enemies without any act of aggression on our parts. He is able to heal, provide, comfort, strengthen and bring wisdom to any conflict we face. It is in the midst of darkness where God shines brightest.
Our challenge will be to abandon our doubts and unbelief and step out in faith with God at the lead. We live in a world that weakens our faith and whispers words of doubt. Our circumstances may be challenging and indeed impossible without God's power, but we have His Holy Spirit wherever we go. We can trust His promises to care for His children. We have His word for wisdom, as we apply the word to our circumstances we will find God faithful today as he has been in ages past. He can stop that river that stands between you and your goals, but He may choose to build a bridge. Look for His hand at work in your life and follow His lead today.
May God richly bless you as you seek H and as you serve Him.
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