Thursday, February 19, 2015

Joshua 5 - Radical Obedience

What would you be willing to do to obtain God's favor?  Would you be willing to not just repent of disobedience, but adopt a policy of radical obedience following God's commands matter what?  The Israelites in Joshua's time were faced with just such a prospect. It was all encouraging for a while, God allowed the nation to pass through the Jordan on dry land demonstrating His care and provision. Now they were on the shores of enemy territory they were promised for generations. It would seem that all that would be needed was to go in and take the land (with God's help of course). But God stopped the people and commanded radical obedience - circumcision. What bad timing on God's part. Couldn't He see that the enemy was in the neighborhood?  Couldn't He have prepared them before crossing the Jordan?  

The truth is that God had commanded the circumcision in Abraham's day. The circumcision had been honored until the generation leaving Egypt. As the nation wandered the desert for 40 years, they had neglected this practice. God does not change even though his people may lower their standard for holiness. Now they were confronted with their disobedience and challenged to obey at huge costs. They would be completely vulnerable to the enemy and could lose their lives. God surely wouldn't depleat  the little strength they had, but it is at this weakness that God shows Himself all sufficient. 

After their recovery, God met with the people as they celebrated the Passover and stopped the manna as the new land was able to supply their needs. Radical obedience not only is required for the full portion of blessing God has in store, but our fellowship is sweeter when we hold nothing between ourselves and the Almighty. 

Our faith isn't really placed in God until we are willing to be radically obedient. Our Lord purchased us at great cost and we belong to Him. We may see evidences of God's lovingkindness, but we cannot enter into the promised land of deep intimacy with God until we are willing to fully reject that hidden sin in our lives and boldly obey even when obedience is costly. It is at these crossroads of obedience that we see God most clearly at work. We cannot expect God's victory over our enemies if we are living in disobedience. 

Last week, 21 Christian men were beheaded at the hands of terrorists. They were killed for their alliegiances to Jesus Christ. Their faithfulness was despised  here, but today they are rewarded for their faith in Heaven. As anti-Christian and anti-Jewish forces grow, it is conceivable that we might also be faced with standing for our Lord at great cost. We may be faced with the decision of radical obedience. Our faith must be more than intellectual. It has to be acted out in our daily choices to practice our faith. Will we forgive when we have been mistreated?  Will we trust God even when the dearest in life has been taken from us?  Will we boldly claim Jesus Christ when threatened with job loss, economic sanctions or perhaps even our lives?  

No one wants to face mistreatment, but God can be trusted even in the most terrible of conditions. He is faithful and will not leave His us. God has promised us a place with Him. Our home is not here, but to find our victory, we must fully rely on God committed to radical obedience. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him.  

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