Thursday, February 12, 2015

Joshua 4 - Commemoration

As we approach Presidents' Day we commemorate the commitment and sacrifices of our great Presidents Washington and Lincoln both born in February and both engaged in the conflicts as a nation comes together as a sovereign unified people. It is important to pause and remember how we got to the place where we are as a nation. 

Likewise in Joshua 4, God charges the people to set up a memorial on the other side of the Jordan River so that the miracle they experienced in crossing over in dry land during flood season would be properly attributed to God as a sign of his care and protection for his people - Israel.  This memorial would be taken from stones in the middle of the river bed of Jordan where they had just passed. One stone for each of the 12 tribes of Israel. 

There are several reasons this memorial was important. It was first a sign to he nation. As they entered to conquer the land, they could look back on this memorial as a remembrance that God moves mightily and supernaturally on behalf of his people. When we engage in conflict or are victims of oppression, it is important that we remember all the ways God has acted in our lives to bring us this far so we can remember our God is able and lovingly cares for His own. We ourselves have biblical record as a testimonial of God's power and love, but if we need more we can look to our own history and fund markers through our own lives where God has moved, protected and ordered our steps to bring us this far. God's plans in our lives are not yet fulfilled so we can trust that what He has started He will finish. 

The second reason was as an object lesson for the generations to come. God said that when your children ask you what these stones are, tell them how I stopped the waters and let you cross over on dry ground. (Josh 4:6-7). Our children need to hear the stories of how God has sustained us and how He has provided for our needs; the greatest of which is salvation from the power of Satan and Sin. The story of Israel has now been intertwined with our own story of the Church. Our children need to know about the heritage they have and the promises God has coming to his people. 

Finally, these markers were to be a testimonial to all the inhabitants that the God of Israel is a great and mighty God so that the nations might turn their worship from false gods to Jehovah God of Israel. (Josh 4:24). We live in a world that has doubts about God and needs to know that they too can have access to a the same mighty God we serve. We shouldn't keep quiet about the hope we have or hide the work of God in our lives. There are people destined for eternity without God if we keep this wonderful news to ourselves. We use our story to rescue the perishing and care for the dying. This world is not all there is. Even while here our existence is without purpose and meaning if we live without the assurance that we are connected to God and our sin has been addressed through Christ's death, burial and resurrection. All the peoples of the earth should know the hand of the Lord is powerful and they should fear God. 

Our challenge today is to erect our own memorials of God's work in our lives so that we can remember well when we are facing our next trial, so our generations can know that there is hope for them and that the world can come to know the same God we serve. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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