Friday, July 10, 2015

Joshua 20 - Help in Time of Trouble

In the days of Joshua, there was an established practice that if someone is killed, a representative from that person's family is to avenge the victim by bringing the killer to the authorities to be executed. The avenger would help to organize the witnesses so that their loved one would have vindication. God had established capital punishment as early as the time of Noah (Gen 9:6). 

If the death was accidental, a person could fall prey to the avenger and not have protection. God overcame that by establishing cities of refuge interspersed throughout the land so that there was safety nearby any area of Israel. As long as the person stayed within the walls of the city and the high priest was living, they would be safe from the avenger. 

This is a wonderful picture of the security we have in Christ. Anyone, Jew or Gentile is welcome to find sanctuary. He is called our Refuge. There are a number of Psalms that mention this but Psalm 9:o says, "The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, A refuge in times of trouble."  What an encouragement for us who live in a world filled with anger and wickedness. We can find refuge in the arms of our Lord. 

Like the sanctuary cities, the Lord is never far off. He welcomes all who come and offers security to those who remain inside his walls of protection. The distinction between the cities and our Lord is that the cities were offered to those who were not guilty, but we know that our sin makes us overwhelmingly guilty; yet our Lord paid out debt and allows us freedom even though we are worthy of judgement. 

Our penalty like that of the murderer was death. Eternal damnation with the demons, yet we can flee to Jesus and find security. He gives us a new life and new hope within His protection. 

Our reward is greater than anything we could purchase with money here. We get the promise of eternal life and even more, God's Spirit comes to reside in our hearts to guide us and to comfort us, but also to give us the measure of love and grace to be applied to others.  The same grace we received when we found sanctuary. 

I hope you know that security we have in Christ. If you don't, it isn't too late to find it. Confess that you know that God has every right to execute justice over your sin. Confess your sins and ask His forgiveness. Accept the offer of eternal life provided through the shed blood of Jesus Christ and find life in Him. 

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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