Monday, July 20, 2015

Joshua 21 - Final Inheritance

God is faithful in all his dealings with his people.  Just as he promised Moses, the Levites would not have a land of their own, but they would be interspersed throughout the territories of Israel. 

They were selected for special service to the Lord so they were not first in receiving their portion, but last. They would be among the people and they would take command of the sanctuary cities mentioned in the last chapter. 

As Christians, God has placed us throughout the world without a permanent possession, but our full inheritance is in Heaven and we are placed here for the Lord's service. God places people in every station of life that there would be no one who would not have access to a Christian and benefit fro the gospel we share. We are specially chosen by God and placed in his service. 

Just as the Levites were given charge of the sanctuary cities, we too are charged with caring for the needs of the vulnerable. We have been blessed to be a blessing. Our inheritance is not here so there is nothing that we need to greedily guard.  But God protects his children nonetheless. Look to Joshua 21:44; "the Lord gave them rest on every side". There were no enemies who could overtake them; they were secure in the place where God provides.  There is evil in the world and Satan dominates the wills of those who are lost, but God protects his own and they are secure. 

Joshua 21:45 is such a beautiful verse that each of us should keep close to us. Not one of God's promises failed. Everyone fulfilled. Dear Christian, like the Israelites, we have been delivered from the land of slavery (sin) where we are oppressed from within, but we have not arrived at our promised land. We are placed in the middle of conflict and corruption to influence the world and to stand firm in our faith. The One who is Faithful and True will see us through and will lavish our inheritance upon us that includes peace and absolute security. 

We need to remember that God keeps his promises. We have the hope of his return for us and we can know that every promise God made will be fulfilled. Don't give up when the circumstances seem dark. God is not hindered in honoring his promise.  He will deliver right on time and his fulfillment could be any day. Look up dear Christian. God is on his throne and we have a great inheritance in store!

May God richly bless you as you seek Him and as you serve Him. 

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