Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Study to Apply God's Financial Principles

I had my eyes opened when I participated in a Crown Financial Ministries Bible Study a few years ago. Before I go on, let me commend this study to you if you have not completed it. It stands apart from other financial fitness programs being introduced to our churches as first and foremost teaching Biblical principles and secondarily introducing financial strategies to apply them. Other studies seem to reverse the priorities of principles over strategy.

Crown's first and foremost goal is to increase the person's intimacy with the Lord and encourage them to live for him wholeheartedly in EVERY aspect of their lives including their financial choices.

If you don't have a study in your area, you can be the one to bring it to your church by participating in a leader training afterwhich you are equipped to form small groups in your church.

As a means to discipleship, I think this is an excellent study to help us understand God's role in our lives and our responsibility as his people to respond in love and obedience. As an outreach to the community around, I think it is an excellent tool to help prepare people to witness and to allow the church to meet the financial needs of the community.

If you can't do a study in your church, Crown has an outstanding website that has free articles and a thing called the Money Map. You can create a login for free on their site and track your progress in your financial journey. Crown has on line budget coaches and local coaches around the United States to help you through your financial crisis and encourage you as you begin to apply God's financial principles in your own life.

I highly recommend the course and have had my thinking forever changed because of it. I will share a little more about that in my next blog.

In the meantime, may God richly bless you as you seek him and as you serve him!

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