Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Where is your trust placed?

Every choice we make is a reflection of our beliefs and testifies to the world about us. It is very humbling for me to consider that people learn more about my faith by watching how I act on it than they do from my words. I am challenged day after day, do my actions tell people that my faith is in Christ alone?

If someone were to open my checkbook and view the transactions through any period of time, would they see that my hope is in Christ? What do my transactions say about me? Do they show me hoarding money? Do they show me spending it all? Do they show me purchasing things that I wouldn't want others to know about? My spending, giving and savings choices speak just as clearly about me as any words could.

I Chronicles 29:11 tells us that "Everything in the heavens and earth is yours O Lord" You see, we don't own anything. God owns it all. Luke 16:11 warns us: "If therefore you have not been faithful in managing worldly wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches?" Our role is to merely manage what God owns. It is different thinking from the world around us, but important for us to grasp.

You see this is a test. My choices reflect where my trust is placed. Do we really look to God or do we look to ourselves and our own resources to supply our needs? Is God really God of my life or do I just give lip service? The sincerity of our commitment to the Lord is reflected in every thought word and deed. Will we place our trust in God or will we retain some control for ourselves?

Our choices today will show the world what we believe but it will also be an act of worship to God that we are looking to him for our every need and we are glorifying him in every choice we make...including our purchases. Don't let your money talk badly about you today. Be a good steward of every resource God has given you that you may shine brightly for him!

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