Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Genesis 11 - Monument to Man

When I look around me in the world we live in, I see a lot if people working hard to make a name for themselves. All of us want to leave a mark in the world that will be remembered.

The difference in Babel was that they were attempting to create a monument and a grand city so they would not spread across the earth and fill it. They thought they had a plan that was as good as God's if not superior.

Before we look at God's response, consider for yourself - as you accomplish your plans are they done for God or against Him? Anything that is not for God IS against Him. I have to continually guard my motives for what I do. The sin nature within me wants to seek pleasure, fortune and fame, but God wants my motives to be purely for Him alone. If you find your motives are not to serve The Lord, go to Him and confess them. We have a God who will forgive if we will return to Him.

Starting in verse 5 we see that God will not allow rebellion and disregard for His authority to continue. God holds every man accountable and He has every right to since He is Creator. God does not allow the tower to be completed. He supernaturally confuses their language so they cannot band together to challenge God's authority.

This judgment at Babel was not because God was afraid of the challenge. He is Almighty and had not so long ago wiped out mankind altogether except for Noah. He executed this judgement out of his live for the people and to cause them to turn from their plans and look back to God.

In verse 8 we see that even if man comes against God's plans he will accomplish them nonetheless. Man was commanded to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. From verse 4 in this chapter we see they had a clear understanding that this meant they were to scatter over the face of the earth. The tower was set up in direct opposition to God's command.

As stewards of God's resources we need to recognize God's authority and use possessions, time and talents to glorify God and doing as He commands. God gives us great pleasure as we live for Him we don't need to seek worldly pleasures for ourselves.

What will be written on your tombstone? Will it be for your glory or for God's?

Dear Heavenly Father, in humility we come to you remembering that only what is done for Christ will last. Please forgive us for our failure to put you first in all things and help us to keep our eyes fixed on you. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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